Tuesday, December 14, 2010


The holiday comes again is cold but i like this holiday is Christmas is the day wenthe snow fall but is not we play outside whit me friends.The holiday is cool we don`t have school on that time go and be whit me parents and me brotherr is fun.The presents come what to i get toys cloths and socks for Christmas is fun to play but i don`t want the cold and the fiber se TV on the they no school that time play whit new toys and have fun open the presents on the day of Chritmas time is me favority  holiday is the best.Then kids well be happy find what they got on the tree play not be noughty that they or get nothing on Christmas day be good to other people .

Friday, December 10, 2010


the story is sad like the school making the kids to come her and learned have a great life for them the mothers are angry they closed some school they say were are the kids going they need to move to other school far away and the Charter school telling let use to have the school but they are saving the other school and the fight.then they are making other school closed because the grades are low and the students are dropping out and that way are close and they are making the kids to learned.Then the charter school fired 10 people on 2008 they are saving good teacher and making the students learned more and go to college .So the school is getting closed the ps194 and not let kids to move other school some parents are not going to work to teach there kids to learned not go the charter school the school have alot is African Americans.The school having lot of kids to come but they don`t have space to put them but they want to let the kids to go other they want that school change but the people won`t let them take it away.The people wont let other school closed regular school they use alot of money to pay the school and the jail so that alot os money they use.The people are going to jail then go to college like African Americands and Latinos  they work little bit then other people to go college .The people are going to the lottery if you won some people go but the other can go next year alot of kids need help and get the Education.The charter school is a school for kids need the help to go do college some family are happy to get in the school some are sad but they well go next year if they call there name for the kids never call last time .

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

What are you proud of - Prompt

I accomplished to work whit other people then i can work to make a game sometimes i need help and learned to now what to do.Then i cant help other students to do there work now were to go how to copy and put it on my blog and writting on others bloges.So then i like to do my work check me sentences on me blog and have all right.So the class is fun to work make video put some videos on are blog and right and put it on blog to now how to we write and learnd faster what to do races your hand and be nices and work really hard to have a great grade on this class and right now i thing we are making a game and imagin what the game is and about the genre loke me is Action and Races on my game.

Friday, December 3, 2010

What are you reading

The book am reading is about Baseball and some kids are making a good place to live because he move alot of time and that sad and go other school and he love baseball and he talk about his team was going to the finals.Then they need to bet the champion for the game and they got bad thing they are losing.Then they almost need like 2 points and was 4-6 and they need to win but is turn ti hit so he hit the ball the team was the winners.then made the new champions it was good but that am I'm but whats happens the story well he to something in his team.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Imagine Your Own Game

My Topic is: Bullying
  • What 2 game genres do you think would allow you to explore this topic in a fun and engaging way?
    • Genre 1: Adventure
    • Genre 2: Racing
  • Imagine and describe one game idea that incorporate your topic into one of these genres.
My game idea is: The game is about bully i thing need to run and ask the teacher theres a bully whants to get you call and use materials to safe your salf and go Adventure go got a note for a teacher to get the bully in trouble got other levels.Then call for others teachers to safe you on level and find key but theres alot of bullys get you and stop you to the principal and set the bully to detencion and get alot of points get some meteriasls to survive and you got three life to finish the game and you have a meterials like a car and go faster but they have cars too and don`t stop.Then the game is hard use your school thing make problems to bully that make them to stop and get the question right but at the end the last level is big bully is the king of all the bully and destroy all of them and get the principal to take to detencion for a year and to there homework for them.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

New classes -Prompt

I feel is different theres other Students that i don`t now so then i well make new friends and work hard to pass all my classes and ask for help.Then the Period is change for all the students and never see me friends again but is a new way to make others Friends but is fun to make friends.Then  the class is the same period some i like some are wear like Math is on 3 Period it was os the last period but make friends for me.Then the school change is like a Middle school for use and make good friends and pay attention to the teacher on the classes and have fun you don`t now how is going to the class your going Maby is your friend you now about.the classes are differences for you for help that you need on your classes and work hard for your grades for you learned your problems go to College have a great life and a family.