Monday, April 11, 2011


It have a score is a timer that you got left to put all the ball to the vases and to it slow and think hard were to put wich ball should go first and need to do it slow and go fast.Then the game get real hard but I never make it to the last level and it`s hard they got drop to cut the chain and it`s hard to get it to the vases.You need to think how and were it has a score anf give you and their are defference parts and get hard the places are Egypt and China and Greek and their all defference on each but they got a score a timer .Then you need ti get it right or restart the game or go defferend one and the backgroud is the places on China,Greek , Egypt patr and is fun.Then you need to take time and to it right to complete the level and hard to do and some are easy to finish.

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