Monday, January 24, 2011

The pact

They se that need to work hard to get want to get it alot of people don`t make it on college  and they want to tell every both .They want to help people they are doctor they live to survived people not die the little boy help her sister she got a sicknies and he helps her is hard for him to live is father left them and his life is hard .The doctor is name is sampson he went to jail went he went he was thing what did wrong on his life and became a doctor becuse people make bad things .He quit becuse for writting and be white people and the kids to help what`s wrong and not have time do work.The tree doctor were writting a book for people do change what they done and go other places to give the book to themand they found other job and be white other people.

Friday, January 7, 2011

My week

The day whit out school is fun no homework and is fine am playing me psp so destroy the stormtroopers and the robot .Then go outside and is fun to play whit me friends and me brother heat alot of food and other things and play more.So then don`t git bite by me little brother and is not funny about that.Then they take me to see cloth is a bad weekend and am ame to survived the day and go back to school.

My book

My book is about  Supermen and he dosen`t know that he has power and somebody gave him he had couple of friends and so he is finish high school he go to the city but he well be back to see you again.So a year came is working on the newspaper and he is Supermen but went something is wrong he turn to Supermen and he save people the boss of newspaper had Supermen and want to kill him but the he make a toxic to the city but Clark dosen`t because hes supermen and that not affective to him so he dose save the city whit medicine and then didin`t save the girl the person say you should go back from you came from .So then he come whit is parents and he say i well stay hear for a while and try to see hear friend but tell his father of the girl and sey she is gone for a year went your were gone to the city but saw hear coming and bin along time  to see what happend.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Winter break

The winter break is was fun no school but is so cold to go outside and play but then me parents Tell my to go do your packed on Math but it was so easy but finish on Christmas and the other was Reading and Writing was not fun.Then the day went fast the new year is coming so i need to finish the packed so have fun whit me friends but still cold so i don`t get the cold the new year came.The food was ready to eat we explode but remember i put a fire cracker on a mail box it was funny it was burning from in side but go in to trouble.The day was fun and almost the car burn  why is fun is a great day for me have a great laugh.The new year is awesome you go to sleep over mid night or never sleep all day and play on the night but that they i broke a frosty the snow men that lights up so got scare why get to al ot of trouble but i try to work on it it did got save the school was almost coming why not theirs a lot of work.The day was going back to school and go to homework so that me winter brake.