Tuesday, February 28, 2012

My Game Demo Slides

These are the Game Demo slides that I have completed.I did the Audiences and the Game play and the team intro.Leo did the smart factor and originality  factor and style factor.Jonathan Fun factor and the learning goal and intro srceem.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Notes 2/23

Audience Me
Game play Me
intro scream Leo
Team intro Jonathan
Learning goal Jonathan 
Fun Factor Jonathan
Smart factor Jonathan
Style factor Jonathan
Originality factor Jonathan
We are finish with the game pitch.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Nike sweatshop

They are on the Indonesia and is a poor places they go there and experiences what they do or how they live and they are getting pay little bit and they are hungry.Them they use there money and then they well be hungry and I feel that the Nike is a bad  and they are bad  and they pay people little they can die.The people use the same water and they live on a small room and need to pay the room and there food and other thing like food health and they are not doing bad and the people how went t they went  for the summer they are experiences and the girl got sick but they want to buy something but if they did they won`t eat the all day.,Then they go to then the person didn't t want want to talk the two people and then they want to show what is Nike doing and they want the right for they are doing and should stop.Then they want to change what they are do the right thong then they talk about Wood that he makes a lot of money and more and he only need to wee Nike and that think cost a lot and they let other people see it and how much he made and he could buy a lot of like millions of dollars.The factory is on Malaysia there Nike that have commercial and the other is the people that make it is they are poor and they are in contract for four years and they lost there pass pore and they need to buy it.They can get out and the toilet they use it to take a shower Nike is doing thing bad to the people that work the man that do it they get pay less then a a shirt of a Nike.They can get out they need there pass pore and they are stuck the Nike got a lot of poor they don`t know what are doing to the people.A person he got a new house and he move to other house and the people got move to small room and it small and that bad for them hey can get there pass pore and need to pay here dept and it cost and move them int to apartment.Nike does not hat they doing to the people and they got shocked of the people so gave there pass pore and another places like in a apartment.The workers are not doing well and he the boss didn't want to go he did `t because he never care what are they doing and he wanted just the money.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Object in the Sky

The fire ball well hit the Earth and every bod well be scare of the thing that is going to come out.

The Genre well be Action and the fire ball well be a gigantic explosion and  something well com out of the ball.

The fire ball well hit the planet and the  Aliens  well come out and kill all the people from the city.

The player must stop and kill all them and save the city and save every body.

It like a original like the other but braver and well to any thing to stop them until all of them are death.

It going to a place and he got a gun and the sounds well be shooting and aliens well kill and attack well be scrams at the game.

The fire ball.
